Consult with a Nutritionist
Bio-Strath is Food for Thought
Bio-Strath® is a great food supplement that contains 61 nutrients to nourish the body as well as medicinal herbs to help restore it. It's a great support for many stages of life!
Bio-Strath for Stress, Fatigue and even Cancer Care!
In the world of herbal supplements there is one small but important word to answer this question: research! Bio-Strath has been shown to be effective in:
What makes Bio-Strath unique?

- Enhancing memory and concentration
- Increasing energy and endurance
- Strengthening the immune function
- Promoting overall wellness.
Bio-Strath and kids (4+)
It's hard in these days of fast food, sugary cereals and processed meals to get our teens and tweens to eat well. It is no wonder immune problems, poor concentration, allergies and digestive disturbances are on the rise in youngsters. Bio-Strath can help keep young bodies balanced and well nourished. The nutrients provided in Bio-Strath are very easy for growing bodies to absorb because they are in a natural form, making them readily absorbable and recognizable by the cells. Its vitamin and mineral content support the immune system and, combined with a complete essential amino acid profile, is especially useful for the growth process. Bio-Strath also has an ability to promote concentration, improve responsiveness and enhance mental and physical performance. Students dealing with lack of attention and concentration stand to benefit from this amazing formula. Bio-Strath provides nutritional support, often missing from these children’s diets, and helps to recreate homeostasis (balance) in their systems. In addition, Bio-Strath naturally balances blood sugar levels. Finally, creating a desirable natural balance in youngsters’ results in a decrease of illness, which, in turn, reduces the need for antibiotics. (Antibiotics often have negative side effects and are responsible for the breakdown of healthy bacteria in the intestinal tract. Supplementing with Bio-Strath will help fortify their immune system which in turn means better attendance at school).Increasing powers of concentration:
- Neukomm, high school teacher, Berne