It is estimated by experts that 90% of North Americans are extremely deficient in minerals and trace minerals. This is due in a large part to mineral depletion in the soil from aggressive farming and soil erosion. It goes without saying, without adequate minerals in the soil, there will not be enough minerals in our food.
This is a huge problem considering the importance minerals play in our bodies.
Our bodies are complex systems of electrical charges and impulses that require minerals and trace minerals for optimal health.
The body uses minerals for building strong bones & teeth, for blood, skin & hair, nerve function, for muscle contraction and relaxation. Even minerals are needed for metabolic processes such as turning food into energy.
Since we can no longer look to our food to provide us with enough minerals for general health; we need to supplement and we can look to sea water as a natural source.
ConcenTrace® Trace Mineral Drops is a 100% natural mineral concentrate with 72 naturally occurring ionic trace minerals from the Great Salt Lake, with 99% sodium removed through solar evaporation.
What’s important to note is that ConcenTrace® isn't actually something that’s made, it has been given to us by Mother Nature and found in the inland seawaters of the Great Salt Lakes.
Taking ConcenTrace® every day ensures you’re getting a full spectrum of ionic trace minerals, which are bioavailable ionic trace minerals just like those found in foods. Since its 100% natural; our bodies intrinsically know what to do with it.
ConcenTrace® can be used for bone & joint health, to balance pH in the body, to nourish hair & nails from within, to normalize bowel function, for circulatory health and to enhance the absorption of vitamins and has many other uses.
ConcenTrace® has a GRAS rating, is NON GMO and can safely be given to pets, children & even plants.
By Amber Allen
Wellness Coach