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FEATURED PRODUCT: Sytrinol – the Food-Based Solution to High Cholesterol

People are looking for an effective solution to their cholesterol problem. Sytrinol can be that solution. And you only have to take it once a day!

What is Sytrinol?

Sytrinol is a patented ingredient derived from the rind of orange and tangerine and palm fruit extracts. Multiple studies show that Sytrinol’s active compounds (polymethoxylated flavones and palm tocotrienols) make it an effective and natural cholesterol-lowering supplement that not only lowers LDL ‘bad’ cholesterol but also increases HDL ‘good’ cholesterol. The therapeutic ingredients in Sytrinol are also powerful antioxidants that help to control inflammation, inhibit arterial plaque formation, and reduce blood platelet aggregation (clumping).

The Role of Cholesterol in Health

There are few substances as controversial as cholesterol. Although cholesterol often gets a bad rap, cholesterol is necessary to manufacture our male and female hormones and it is used to patch and repair injuries in the body. It is also essential to the synthesis of vitamin D, and the production of bile acids needed for fat digestion.

HDL vs LDL Cholesterol

While some cholesterol is good for us, too much of the wrong kind can clog arteries and increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. In simple terms, cholesterol becomes a health concern when there is a high level of the “bad” low-density lipoproteins (LDL) combined with a low level of the “good” high-density lipoproteins (HDL).

Sytrinol Research Studies Show Great Results

Three separate studies showed that taking 300 mg of Sytrinol a day for four weeks (less than 30 days) lowered total cholesterol by 25 to 30 per cent. Sytrinol also lowered “bad” LDL cholesterol by 19-22 percent and triglycerides by 24-34 per cent. And not only did Sytrinol lower LDL, it also increased levels of the “good” HDL cholesterol.

More Good News!

10 Simple Healthy Heart Habits

  1. Drink plenty of water
  2. Eat lots of high-fibre foods
  3. Increase plant-source proteins like hemp and rice
  4. Fill up on veggies
  5. Eat more apples and citrus fruit
  6. Include whole grains in your daily diet
  7. Eat a few walnuts every day
  8. Eat more flax, hemp and buckwheat
  9. Reduce the sodium in your diet
  10. Eliminate soft drinks
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