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Organika's Plant-Based Lemonade


Author: Megan DeJong | June 24, 2019
Did you know that antioxidants are a great addition to your summertime routine? Spending time with friends in the sunshine, outdoor workouts, etc. can all lead to an increase in free-radical damage. By adding antioxidants to your diet, you can help to reduce free-radicals. But where can you find antioxidants? Well, mainly in fruits and vegetables – especially the bright ones! Berries, leafy greens and citrus fruits all contain a variety of antioxidants. We get it though, when you’re having fun in the sun, the last thing you might be thinking about it how many antioxidants you consume. Try blending them up in a smoothie, or in a delicious raspberry lemonade! 
Raspberry Lemonade Recipe
Serving size: single serving Prep time: 5 minutes Ingredients 1 Tbsp. Organika Plant Based Collagen 1.5 cups water 1/2 cup raspberries (fresh or frozen) Juice of 1/2 a freshly squeezed lemon 1/2 cup ice plus an additional handful for serving in glass Optional: 1 tsp raw honey Garnish: fresh mint or basil Instructions Place all ingredients into a blender and mix until well incorporated Taste test to ensure it matches your desired taste. If you want it more sour, add additional lemon juice and/or the flesh of the lemon. If you want it a touch sweeter add the honey. Continue to blend until everything is well mixed together Pour into a glass over ice and garnish with fresh mint or basil and a fresh lemon wedge

Want a collagen boosting smoothie recipe? Click here.

 Meg De Jong is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist located on Salt Spring Island. She has a passion for growing, cooking and baking delicious food! Follow Meg on Instagram, or check out her website.


The information provided herein is for informational purposes only. The products or claims made about specific nutrients or products are reviewed and evaluated by Organika based on available scientific evidence on its initiative. Such applications, however, have not been specifically assessed by Health Canada. Organika makes no guarantee or warranty with respect to any products sold, and shall not be responsible for any indirect, inconsequential and/or special damages for the reliance on or use of any information contained herein. This information is not meant to be a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or another medical professional. You should not use this information for diagnosing a health problem or disease but should always consult your physician.
check out her website.
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