Summer is here, bringing with it the need for extra attention to hydration. Whether you're lounging at the beach, hiking your favourite trail, or simply enjoying the outdoors, our blog offers innovative and healthy ways to stay hydrated and energized.Read now
Magnesium 101: Everything You Need to Know About This Essential Mineral
As we enter May, it's the perfect time to highlight an important yet often overlooked mineral: MAGNESIUM. It’s a powerhouse nutrient that’s essential for many functions in the body but is often overlooked in our daily diets. Unfortunately, many of us don't get enough magnesium, which can lead to various health problems. We’re here to guide you through the importance of magnesium, help you recognize if you’re deficient, and offer tips on how to increase your intake.
Natural Ways to Reduce Cortisol & Enhance Well-being
Read nowApril is a special month for us at Aura Natural Market. Not only does it signal the arrival of spring and the abundance of nature's renewal, but it also marks National Stress Awareness Month. During this time, we turn our...
Sun-Kissed Wellness: Exploring the Benefits of Vitamin D Exposure and Astaxanthin
Read nowIn today's fast-paced world, we often find ourselves spending less time outdoors and more time indoors, which can have an impact on our health and well-being. However, there is one natural resource that can significantly benefit us when used mindfully:...
Skin Care Secrets: Hyaluronic Acid and its Exceptional Benefits for Summer Hydration
Read nowAs the summer sun shines brightly, it's time to pay extra attention to our skin's hydration needs. The scorching heat, combined with increased sun exposure, can leave our skin feeling dry, dull, and in desperate need of replenishment. But fear...
Say Goodbye to Toxic Sunscreens: Learn About Natural Alternatives
Read nowWith summer in full swing, everyone knows the importance of protecting their skin from the sun. But in addition to slathering on sunscreen, there is something else to consider: what kind of sunscreen you should be using. Making a switch...
The Truth About Choosing the Best Poultry: Quality Eggs Without Compromising Animal Welfare
Read nowWhen it comes to eggs, everyone wants the freshest and highest quality possible. However, did you know that it's not just about the size or shape of the egg? It actually starts with the chicken itself! That’s right, before you...
How To Choose The Right Sunscreen For Your Skin
Read nowSun Protection/Skincare damage Summer is here, and with that comes the promise of sunshine and good vibes! We know that the sun often gets a bad rep for being the leading cause of premature aging, and skin cancer, and is...
The Low Histamine Diet
Read nowHippocrates, one of the most famous Greek physicians, once said, “Let food be thy medicine and let thy medicine be food”. This was way back in 440 BC, therefore, managing symptoms through diet is nothing new and there’s a reason...