Living Alchemy Plant-Based Probiotics (Woman) 60 Capsules
Gluten Free
No Isolates
No Fillter
Dairy Free
Flora WOMAN includes Kefi-Soy™, a unique Kefir-kombucha fermentation of certified organic, non-GMO soybean, combining diverse strains of live micro-organisms to create a complete living ecosystem, including strains important for women’s wellbeing including, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus fermentum, Lactobacillus rhamnosus.
For a healthy digestive ecosystem, fermented soy provides all the key building blocks including L-glutamine, butyric acid, phospholipids, amino acids, peptides, nucleotides, neurotransmitters, polyphenols, a vast number of vitamins and minerals plus a diverse array of naturally evolved micro-organisms.
Fermented soy has the strongest independent research for its many positive effects on the digestive ecosystem, and the studies we have conducted have proven to be the best medium for our diverse micro-organisms. Third party research has also identified the immunoreactivity and anti-nutrients are less in fermented soy verse unfermented soy. Organic non-GMO fermented soy is safe and effective for woman.